
Weight Loss and Medical Myths Part 2

Part 1 of this blog discussed society’s assumptions surrounding weight, whether there is any truth to to them, and how it can affect the individual. We’re now back to the original question “Does Acupuncture help with weight loss?”

Acupuncture will help with weight loss, but not in a quick crash diet sort of way. If you want to lose 10 lbs in 2 months, I can’t say that will take 8 acupuncture treatments and Viola! Acupuncture works in a much more holistic way, addressing one’s constitution and getting to the root of why your body is holding on to excess weight.

At City Garden, I have noted 5 significant ways acupuncture has assisted with weight loss: reducing stress, decreasing inflammation, regulating digestion, supporting sleep, and battling the side effects of medication. Let’s go through them one by one.


Stress affects everyone, reaching its talons into almost every aspect of our existence. It will disrupt our sleep and raise havoc on our digestion, (these are discussed in more detail below). How does stress have so much power over us? Because the stress response is the releasing of  the hormones epinephrine, (or adrenaline), cortisol, and norepinephrine. These will trigger increased breathing, heart rate, and blood flow to muscles, which is meant to aide us in escaping a dangerous situation.  This is a fight-or-flight response that will also be triggered by less life threatening circumstances, such as heavy traffic, work pressure, and financial difficulties. Over time, this constant heightened state takes it’s toll. With these stress hormones continuously coursing through our blood, our bodies are being told to hang on to extra calories. We might need them when we run from that tiger! Over time, these extra calories pack on and we find ourselves with excess weight.

Acupuncture disrupts the fight or flight response. As soon as those needles are inserted, our bodies respond. The amount of stress hormones in our system drastically decreases. Since we are no longer in panic mode, our endocrine system, which is responsible for the functioning of hormones, can regain its balance. Our bodies will be working as they should, no longer having the need to hang onto excess weight.


Inflammation causes movement to be painful. When people suffer from arthritis or other joint issues, simple tasks can be a challenge, let alone getting regular exercise. Acupuncture is proven to help heal inflammation by stimulating the neurons that triggers the Vagal - adrenal axis to release dopamine into the system, (Caruso, Catherine “How Acupuncture Fights Inflammation” The Harvard Gazette, November 3, 2021). Dopamine is a neurotransmitter most talked about for its role in mood, but it is also crucial in controlling physical movement.


With digestion, there are many aspects to consider; bowel movement frequency, diarrhea or constipation, gas, bloating, and reflux. Healthy digestion has daily bowel movements that are formed and easy to pass. With constipation, there is not enough movement of the intestinal muscles to move waste along, or perhaps the body is not absorbing water as it should and the intestines are dry. If one has too much water in the intestines that results in diarrhea and food moving too quickly through the intestines. Nutrients will not be properly absorbed. When your body isn’t getting the nutrients it needs, it thinks you’re starving and will hold onto weight as a means of survival.

Acupuncture stimulates an energy current to help your body correct itself and re-establish your body’s rhythm. Water and nutrients are absorbed and let go, internal muscles move as they should. In this balanced state, your body will not feel the need to hold onto excess weight.


Sleep is a huge variable in how we feel. When we are deprived, everything is off. Our brains are foggy, our motivation low, and our tempers can be short. In terms of our physical selves, being starved for sleep can be similar to being starved for food. Our bodies are sensing danger, so we are going to hoard resources, including extra weight. When we sleep, the cells in our bodies are doing all of their maintenance and repair.  When we go without, the cells never have a chance to rebuild. That catches up over time and can lead to illness and disease.

Whether you are having difficulty falling asleep or keep waking up at night, acupuncture is able to calm you down, both physically and mentally, and to assist your body’s rhythm and help you get back to a decent sleep schedule.

Side effects of medication

And lastly, the side effects of medication. These can cause a person to hold weight they don’t need. Acupuncture will help the bodies filters, our liver and kidneys, handle the detox of the unwanted elements of a medication. It will also support an individual with other side effects such as sleep disturbance, digestion issues, and water retention.

Acupuncture’s role in weight loss is safe and gentle. It will support and heal the individual from within, both physically and emotionally. Excess weight won’t fall off overnight, but the effects on your health will be long lasting.

1. Harvard Health Publishing, “Understanding the Stress Response”, July 6, 2020.

Help End Family Separation

FRIDAY MAY 10th from 2-6pm

When you come in for an acupuncture treatment on May 10th, all payments will go directly to the Texas Civil Rights Project.

The Texas Civil Rights Project ( is on the front line at the border. They provide much needed social and legal services to immigrant children that have been separated from their parents and held in U.S. custody. The Texas Civil Rights Project works tirelessly to bring humane treatment to these children and to get them back to their families. To help raise money for their efforts, City Garden Community Acupuncture will be open for a special day.

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