Our Mission
The clinic is not just about affordable acupuncture, there is an important social justice element involved in the mission and vision of City Garden Community Acupuncture. All people, regardless of who they are, what they do, or how many resources they have, are deserving of access to holistic and safe healing practices. Our modern healthcare structure often excludes those most in need of access to care and often provides band - aid solutions at an unbelievably high physical and financial cost. By breaking down the barriers to safe and effective sources of care, City Garden is improving the overall health and prosperity of the community.
why acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an amazing medicine. It’s effective in almost every illness, the needles are low cost, and there are no negative side effects. Acupuncture works with the body’s natural healing abilities in order to restore innate harmony, ease pain and stress, and create thriving health. Through regular treatments, health issues can become manageable and patients can experience a much higher quality of life.
Why a community setting?
While we know that regular acupuncture treatments are a powerful medicine, in our society acupuncture has not been accessible for most people. The high cost of individual treatments is a significant barrier to the majority of our community, reserving regular acupuncture treatment for those with disposable income or great insurance. By providing acupuncture in a group setting, a group of people can be treated at the same time and each pay a fraction of what it would cost to be treated alone. Through the community structure, acupuncture becomes affordable for everyone.
How to Support City Garden
City Garden Community Acupuncture is your place for health and comfort. By your continued support, you ensure stability for current and future members of our community.
City Garden is a 501c3. All donations are tax deductible.
become a city garden sustainer
what is a sustainer?
A sustainer is someone who gives support and nourishes growth. You can become a sustainer by making an ongoing monthly donation to support City Garden Community Acupuncture!
why does City Garden Need sustainers?
Although the clinic is supported by patient payments for acupuncture treatments, ongoing monthly donations would provide more financial security and enable us to keep serving the community through whatever may come.
why should I become a sustainer?
Sometimes you take a break from acupuncture. Help keep the clinic stable until you return for care!
what would my monthly donation pay for?
Monthly donations would help pay for the cost of rent and utilities that keep rising every year. With a lightened burden, we can keep the price of acupuncture treatments low. This allows for more people in the community to have access to care.
In 2020, City Garden had to close for 11 weeks due to Covid-19. Even though there was no revenue coming in, the rent and bills were still due every month. To get through this tough time, the clinic took a government loan. This debt is still sitting there. If we have 30 people donate $10 per month, we could erase this debt in just a few years.
how do i become a sustainer or make a one time donation?
Spread the Word
There's no better way to support the clinic than to come and get acupuncture! Tell your family, friends and co-workers how City Garden Community Acupuncture has helped you.
Post on social media. Word of mouth is what will help our clinic grow!